This blog has no followers. No one hangs on the next post here. I'm not even sure how many people even know about it. So why even bother posting here? A good question. It's amazing what ends up being a catalyst for our actions. But for whatever the reason, I've decided to "re-activate" the JGI (Jason's Garage Inc.) Blog. I'm even going to put a link from our website to here, to see if we can get some visits.
Now, honestly, I'm not going stop posting things I want to share on Facebook. This blog is not a replacement for the JGI Facebook page. Instead, it will be a small, closed yet public community of people who happen to stumble upon it.
Still didn't answer the question of why to "re-kindle" the ol' blog????
Someone, from another shop not far from ours, made a post on Facebook, that bothered me. It wasn't anything about us or our shop, no nothing like that. It wasn't directed to us at all, it was more a harmless statement, that I happened to read. But more on that later.
Anyway, we are back!
My boy Walker, rocking the dual thumbs up for his new Wimmer intake. It just seems like a cool picture to go with the re-launch of the blog!